by DreamWeaver | Nov 2, 2021 | From Ashes, RP 2021
Tatsumi comes home with cake, has a proposition for the kids gives them until morning to decided The twins talk about it that night, din discutia lor vedem care e alternativa Tatsumi meets Marius care il ajuta sa obtina actele. They meet at a cafe, Marius reveals what...
by DreamWeaver | Nov 2, 2021 | From Ashes
1976 12 Dec – Hada Tatsumi is born. 1983 – At 7 yo parents die in a tragic card accident. His older sister Maya ( 22 years old ) takes custody of him. 1989 03. Aug – Twins are born. 1994 – TatsumiĀ ( age 18 ) goes to study at university in St....